Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Peter Alway Saturn IV Build, Part 15, Cleaning Up Mistakes, Tips

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers come in handy to remove paint over spray.
These are also good for general rocket cleaning.
Go light and easy with them, they can also remove the base paint color.
The Magic Erasers can also dull a gloss finish. use with a light touch.

I was as careful as I could be with the masks but there was a lot of over spray.
Here you can see it on the outside edges of a fin.
On the left is before, the inset shows the fin after cleaning off with the magic eraser.
A little of the white paint was removed off the upper corner of the fin.

Between two fins was a spot that didn't get masked!

I didn't remove it with the eraser, but lightly dabbed the wet eraser over the black paint and let it sit for a minute.
Some rubbing with a Q-Tip followed.
The black paint was rubbed off with friction, it almost "rolled" off the white undercoat.

All this over spray removal should be done before the paint is fully dried and "set" into the undercoat. Let the paint sit for an hour or two then remove the over sprays. If you wait a few days you might not be able to remove the unwanted paint.

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